Web Development

Gardenside Homeowners' Association

A website for a local Homeowners' Assoc., including a rich text editor & notice posting system.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL

Prima Dogga

A website for a local dog & cat daycare.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Keystone File Transfer

Note: I don't control the domain this is on, so it might disappear.

An online file storage application. Includes account creation & recovery, secure logon, reCAPTCHA v3 bot protection, and uploading/downloading files.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MySQL

The Turtle Beat

A website built for a music class blog.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Math & Science

Pathfinding Algorithm Visualizer

A web recreation of the Python maze solver I made at GIV 2020. Uses your choice of pathfinding algorithm to find a path between two nodes, at a user-inputted speed. Helpful for visualizing the strengths/weaknesses of different pathfinding algorithms.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Complex Function Grapher

A 4D graphing utility for complex functions (although I suppose you could do real functions too). Uses color to represent the 4th dimension.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Gibbon Genome Project

A website built to complement my paper on a semester-long school virtual-gibbon-breeding project. Includes a genotype -> phenotype -> fitness calculator.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Newtonian Skydiving Simulator

A freefall simulator. Adjust settings in the "Options" tab, and use the "β–Άβšβš" button to graph data about the diver in the "Simulation" tab.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Tone from Mathematical Function Generator

Graphs the inputted function and uses it to create an audio wave.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Probabilistic Tree Diagram Creator

A tree diagram creator. Automatically calculates probabilities for new branches.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Epidemiological Terminology Dictionary

A dictionary of epidemiological and systems dynamics terms.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Quadrilateral Classifier

One of my first academic websites: a classification system for inputted quadrilaterals.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS



An Arcade Game with 2D Physics; made for GIV 2018. Originally made for a Arduino haptic controllers I built.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS

Procedural Terrain Explorer

An exploration tool for procedurally generates 2D terrain.

Languages: HTML, CSS, JS


Melodica Robot

A robot that plays a melodica (a small piano crossed with a harmonica) with full polyphony. Takes in converted MIDI files and plays them.

Languages: Arduino (C-ish)